We are located just off US Highway 93 Approximately 4 miles south of Lakeside Montana on Deep Bay Drive. There is a big sign on the east side of the highway.



                                                                Welcome to Deep Bay

Deep Bay Retreat Center is a place to broaden your horizons.  Our classes, workshops and retreats are all geared toward empowering each individual
​with new skills and confidence to live life
​to the fullest.

​​​We are a 501 c 3 charitable organization. 

Deep Bay Center is supported by
​donations, grants and fees paid by participants of the classes.
Volunteers are always welcome.

Spiritual Event, Retreat & Education Center

   Deep Bay Center, Inc
     A Montana 501  c 3 Charitable Organization

Phone 406-844-2611


T​​​​​​​​he Center provides a supportive environment for learning and sharing knowledge and skills that promote positive and healthful lifestyles. 

We teach how to make the desired changes you have been seeking. It is said that Understanding and Knowledge creates Wisdom.  Inspiring workshops are offered to help people discover their inherent potential and engage with others in a meaningful and contributing way.

Our facility includes open beam timber framed homes in a rugged, natural setting on Flathead Lake. The frontage is accessed by steep trails and stairs going down to the lake and docks.

406-844 -2611
Deep Bay Center
PO Box 718
Lakeside, MT

             ​ Email:

          We have space that nonprofits can rent for                                     events and educational space.

​Contact us for information.
                   We support Healing Events.

